Meet Tracey

If you are here, you want something to be different.

Maybe you want to connect with your partner, children, parents, family members, friends, or yourself in more satisfying ways. Maybe you want your everyday life to just have more ease and joy.

I live this imperfect, messy life too. I am both a biological and adoptive mom. My kids are both young adults now, but I still remember the everyday challenges young families face.

The feeling of too many balls in the air, and the daily wrangling of the chaos of life, leaves many people struggling to live wholehearted lives, and can leave couples feeling disconnected and resentful.

I truly believe every person, every couple, and every family, has the ability to create healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Whether you are in your 20’s and just stepping into the adventure of life, in your 30’s and deep into family and/or career, your 40’s navigating mid life, or your 50’s and beyond looking at the second half of life and wanting to make the most of this grand journey, I can help.

Let’s get started.